Watch the video on the home page to feel the vision, and follow along.

Hub 01 is opening Australia in 2022 and will operate as the basis for the sprouting of hubs around the globe.

Currently receiving expressions of interest for aligned global partners.

  • Heaven on Earth in brick and mortar, every single day.

  • Gathering sanctuaries for the golden era.

  • A new mode of living for free families.

  • A wellbeing haven for the energetic high flyers.

  • An expression of where material gorgeousness merges with the vibrational heartiness.

  • A place where the mother is revered.

  • A nourishing place of freedom for our wild, uncompromising kids.

  • The frothy, hearty community we all yearn for.

  • A creative response to NOW.

 These hubs are the physical expression of the Fra Aero mode of living—a nuanced lifestyle and liberation philosophy as expressed by Peta Kelly.


Come With Me

You wake up on an ordinary Tuesday morning, and you don’t need to think about how to entertain your wild, curious children. You’ve got some creative work to do and you wanna do it with your kids close by, with some cool ‘same wave’ friends, sipping your favourite hot tonic. There is nothing like the absolute ecstasy of peaceful creative time, while your children experience the same, within the same vicinity. Heaven.

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You’re frothing, they’re frothing and you’re together. You love being able to jam on your hot creative projects while looking out and seeing your kids play. One of them is doing a basket weaving class and the other is foraging with a small group and an elder. You watch, wave, and keep writing—heaven. 

Once you’re done writing, you get up and head either into a colonic, a facial or your fav movement class. There’s always space for your secret pleasures. This place is set up so that they’re easily accessible for you, and so that your kids are close, but not too close while you do what mum needs to do. 

Your kids run in to show you their treasures and you all feel ALIVE. You walk over to the marketplace, grab some veggies grown in the community garden for dinner and say bye to the other gorgeous humans there (that you loveeeeee seeing each day). Tomorrow, you’re teaching a workshop there for the community kids on what excites you the most. The following night, you’re attending one on rewilding yourself. You can’t wait. Feeling nourished and getting to nourish a community is a level of deep heart fulfillment you didn’t even know you yearned for. How does it get any better? 

You get on your bike to ride home and think ‘heaven on earth.’



Are you reading this with and feeling the kind of yes that brings tears to your eyes?

Me, too.

These hubs have been my dream for the last 7 years. I have pinterest board after pinterest board… Google doc after google doc. I have spent countless hours and energy speaking about it, writing about it, dreaming about it and most importantly…. Living my life in a way that allows me to receive the details, embody the philosophies, hold the resources for its creation, and be the guardian for its birthing and life. 

The vision has evolved as I have as a person, because this hub is MY idea of Heaven on Earth. This is my golden era desire and my golden era offering. Well, it’s one of them.

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In 2016, the vision was predominantly to create a creative hub under my then brand, Jeaniius. Similar to Fra Aero, it was to be enveloped in the essence of Jeaniius which was—The New Way to Live Lead Earn and Give. Essentially if you’ve read ‘Earth Is Hiring’, it’s that book in physical ‘walk in’ form. I almost bought a large warehouse space in Scottsdale, AZ to begin with and pulled my offer out at the last minute with a ‘not now’ message from my gut. I ‘almost’ did it about 4 other times. I tell you, this process has been deep and long. 

In 2018 it was to be a sanctuary for the softening woman, under my then brand The Earthess Co. It was to be ‘The Earthess Hubs’ where women gathered to create together, craft together, drink delicious tonics together, eat baked goods courtesy of local grandmothers together, learn from elders and support elders together, have gorgeous gatherings together, make art and create a marketplace with it…. All with their children close by. I almost rented a spot in London to begin and hired a mentor to help me map it out. I was clock-blocked yet again—not the right time. But…. Getting warmer!!!

In 2020, it was a place for Mothers to be together with their children under my brand The Mother Summer Clubbe’ hub. I almost bought and leased spots in Perth, Byron Hinterland and South West of Aus. Oooooh, getting even warmer!! 

This vision has been like my third child. Wherever we have lived, I have searched for a ‘space for the hub’ more urgently than I have searched for a home. Wherever I’ve been, the hub has been part of the deal. And yet, it hasn’t actualised. Not for lack of resources, will or passion. But, because I was being matured, along with the vision, to where it is now. Which is fucking beautiful. 

Now in 2021, my golden era creation is here…. With liftoff, thanks to the Golden Era energies that have only recently become available on Earth.

A Little About Me

Just over a decade ago I had just deferred my PhD in the field of bioenergetics. I had just published my thesis in a Medicine journal and completed a degree with first class honours. I’ve always been in love with the human body. Life led me on a different journey, beyond science and into intuition, spirit, and the deep dive of truly knowing myself. I created a multi-million dollar business in the field of holistic wellbeing and personal financial liberation. I retired my single Mum of 4 from her 40 year career as an amazing teacher. I created a beautiful international life, where I could create businesses, events, books and movements for my community … generously and only with the highest integrity. My message, my passion was very clear-- The New Way. I was to BE the new way. Not just write about it, speak about it, teach about it. In 2015 I created a video called ‘Be The One’. The 14 word purpose I was born for is ‘Be the one to show the world how good it’s really meant to be.’ I was born for this time. Much like you. My gifts are freshness, and beauty. I am in a deep relationship with what is possible for our new world. I can translate messages and visions in a way that is digestible. Anyway…. I digress. I created a beautiful life. You could not have designed, architecturally, a more beautiful and free one. And yet… I was not always receiving it. Over the years I have explored, researched and invested over $650k on my own personal growth… not only spiritually and business wise but biologically also. Because, we can only receive our life to the degree our bodies can. I summarize my work as ‘creatively researching Heaven On Earth.’ Sure I can wack an expertise label on myself but I prefer the innocent, ever evolving route. 

FRA AERO is the essence of my liberation and lifestyle philosophies for higher, richer living in this golden era. FRA AERO HUBS is the physical embodiment of this philosophy and invites you to walk on into where physical gorgeousness and spiritual elegance merge as one.

A fresh pain point, some fresh honesty

I hate taking my kids to soulless kids classes. I hate small talk at the park. I hate thinking up things to do to entertain my children inside of a world that has separated us from each other and our nature. I have always beaten myself up for being so lackluster at many organised children activities, and the playground. My husband has often said to me ‘God you look like your soul is dead when we’re at the park.’ Extreme? Maybe. But fuck me. Are we really designed to live such isolated lives, and then bring our kids to a giant plastic park with a coffee the size of our heads to talk about who crawls when and how tired we are while our kids slowly, but surely start slotting into the same unfulfilling life…. No. I feel like shit when I go to these things for one reason and one reason only. It’s old. And I’m here for the new. It doesn’t fly with me. It’s not my standard of being. It’s not what excites me in the morning. I am a mum, who wants to have somewhere to go everyday that gets me excited. I know, I will have beautiful people to talk to who are deeeeply resonant. I know, my kids are frothing out to be with their friends, pick a class that lights them up with someone they deeply know. I know, I will be closeby with my kids- something both them and I want. I know, I’ve got somewhere my kids can get lost in nature, no screens, breathing the beautiful air, learning WILD, with their individuality and curiosity honoured. 

I get to sit with my favourite hot tonic and food that aligns with my body, get a colonic, and my kids are WITH ME, and with their village, also. 

Fra Aero the place for possibility. Fra Aero is my philosophy made REAL in everyday life. This is my dream. This is my vision.

Want to get involved in a hands-on way?

01. Follow along visually on Instagram

02. Be more deeply engaged by reading PK's words on the Fra Aero philosophy regularly

03. If you are feeling called to be instrumental in the creation of these hubs or a hub as an investor or large contributor/connector, please email here.

Photos by Brit Gil